Release Notes
August 12, 2024
fix for pd whitespace warning
new name parser
Documenting a bit better the tweaks in pair_fastqs to allow . in sample name - remove some of the shuffling with suffixes
allow . in sample names for step 1 loading from fastqs #557
verify even number of files for PE data when linking fastqs
fix for pd warnings
update for toy3 compat and pd warning
fix pandas warnings
Update faq.rst - Add link to Hemstrom et al 2024
June 18, 2024
Fix consens_se filter_mindepth to better handle haploid data (removes spurious het calls in haploid)
ipa.treemix test for toytree < v3
Removed very old comment about alleles format in the faq
February 02, 2024
Fix pandas delim_whitespace deprecation
fix popgen merge
ipa.popgen minor edits
update assembly method docs to remove deprecated methods
August 16, 2023
add mac arm install instructions
Allow to handle missing data a bit better”
Update faq.rst
test muscle binary version for #504
analysis.sratools allow sample names to be all integers
May 31, 2023
analysis.popgen: Allow missing data without crashing
Fixed the popgen sumstats analysis tool and the cookbook
May 27, 2023
Fix numpy deprecation of and np.bool
Update environment.yml
Update README.rst
Update README.rst
README - Add binder badge
Allow to pass in the binary path
April 03, 2023
Fixing a bunch of AttributeErrors on h5py attribute decode attempts
Pin muscle < v5.0 in meta.yaml
March 30, 2023
Fix for #502
Update install instructions to point to libmamba-solver
March 12, 2023
Update faq.rst
Update faq.rst
Solving retro-compatibility in windows (#496)
November 28, 2022
Fix oops in #494
November 18, 2022
step3: Filter by min MAPQ in samtools view #494
Allow project_dir directories to create recursively
mod rtfd reqs.txt to unpin jinja2 version
Add rtfd yml file
September 15, 2022
Fix #493 - ValueError in step 6 if all R2s empty
Update 3-installation.rst
Update README.rst
Update faq.rst
Handle call to decode() in case older version of h5py file.
Clean up tempdir after step 5
Update faq.rst
February 05, 2022
fix pd 1.4.0 issue with setting options #475
February 01, 2022
ipyrad.core.sample Set dtype of stats pd.Series as object to silence a pd warning.
Test vsearch version to handle derep_fulllength deprecation #469
structure error reporting (#471)
January 21, 2022
pin vsearch version <=2.19 #469
analysis.snps_extracter: allow passing in vcf file (assuming RADSeq data).
Add check for executable of structure binary
kmeans imputation niters fix (#459)
cookbook-bpp: Update tauprior to bpp 4.x inverse gamma standard
cookbook-bpp remove randomize_order flag from run() as this doesn’t exist anymore
June 16, 2021
Step5 add filter_max_alleles() function to honor the max_alleles_consens parameter.
June 09, 2021
samtools defaults to using the flag to generate .csi index files, to allow for chrom size > 500Mb
June 09, 2021
Step 2 - Do NOT take the complement for the p5 (R2) adapter sequence, otherwise the adapter trimming doesn’t work.
May 28, 2021
#444: fix bytes to string comp oops
May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021
May 08, 2021
May 07, 2021
May 07, 2021
Docs: add some assembly guidelines
Docs: update sharing and popgen sumstats
Step1.FileLinker fix oops with trapping bz2 formatted input files.
April 15, 2021
demultiplex: Properly handle 3rad barcodes of different length
April 01, 2021
Allow snps_extractor to handle snps.hdf5 files with names not encoded as bytes
Fixing mismatch of #SBATCH and command parameters (#440)
March 19, 2021
ipa.structure: handle edge case with running more jobs with different K values
February 23, 2021
Handle i7 demux to strip trailing newline from barcode Allow very short input fq files.
Fix project_dir inconsistency in merged assemblies.
Raise an error if setting a bad parameter in API mode #354
February 21, 2021
Don’t blank extra p3/p5 adapters in step2.check_adapters if filter_adapters != 3.
February 18, 2021
analysis.popgen: _collect_results() function to compile and organize results from the engines. It’s a little ugly.
analysis.popgen Change default minmap value to 4
analysis.popgen Chunking of loci and parallelization of analysis working.
analysis.popgen._fst_full() implemented. Had to slightly tweak the code that was there, and it works a bit different than the other sumstats, but whatever for now it works.
analysis.popgen implemented Dxy
analysis.popgen._process_locus_pops() to prepare data for pairwise summary statistics
analysis.popgen: Stats returned as dict instead of tuple, and remote processes dump full stats to pickle files.
Add a _process_locus function to remove a bunch of redundancy, and split consens bases to account for diploidy in all the calcs
analysis.popgen: If no imap then all samples are considered from the same population.
analysis.popgen: refactor _Watterson to accept sequence length and return raw and per base theta values.
analysis.popgen: Refactor into ‘public’ sumstat methods which can be called on array-like locus data, and ‘semi-private’ methods (e.g. _pi, or _Watterson) that are much more efficient but accept very specific information. The function will do some housekeeping per locus and call the ‘semi-private’ methods, for efficiency. Public methods are for testing.
analysis.popgen Tajima’s D function
analysis.popgen Watterson’s theta function
clustmap: Handle bam files with very large chromosomes (#435)
clustmap_across: Catch samtools indexing failure for large bam files and try again with .csi indexing with the flag.
Adopting the Processor() structure to enable parallelization. Also implemented nucleotide diversity.
analysis.popgen add parallelization support for calculating all sumstats per locus.
analysis.popgen _fst() is working for snp data
Add an option to LocusExtracter.get_locus to return a pd.DataFrame indexed by sample names
analysis.popgen getting it into current analysis tools format and starting to flesh it out.
CLI honors the -q flag now
analysis.sharing allow subsampling inside draw() to prevent recalculating data
analysis.shared allow sorting by mean pairwise sharing or missing
Allow analysis.sharing to reorder samples, and add a progress bar
Add new pairwise snp/missingness sharing analysis tool.
add locus sharing/missingness sharing analysis tool skel
pin numpy >=1.15, a known working version to address #429
Fix weird race condition with branching and pop_assign_files. See #430.
January 22, 2021
Fix #429 weird masking bug in older versions of numpy.
Add refs to the analysis.popgen tool.
January 16, 2021
replaced core.Assembly.database which actually wasn’t doing anything with snps_database and seqs_database to retain info about the hdf5 files in the assembly object
fix empirical api structure params format
Allow structure to accept vcf files and auto-convert to hdf5
fix oops in i7 demux cookbook
December 17, 2020
Fix off-by-one error in nexus output
update struct testdocs
Add Tajima’s D denominator equation to the popgen analysis tool, because I coded it before and it’s a nightmare.
use quiet in lex
plot posteriors range limits removed
Actually fix pca cookbook
fix malformatted pca cookbook
raxml w/ gamma rates
November 03, 2020
updating mb cookbook
bpp transform parser bugfix
add bpp dev nb
allow non-blocking calls again in bpp
bpp result split on delimiter
allow empty node dist in bpp
add option to extract as string/bytes
snps_extracter: report maf filter as unique filtered
snps extracter reports n unlinked snps
tmp dir for new cookbook docs
allow maf filter in structure
node_dists check for tips in bpp plot
new plotting tools for bpp results
added download util
add minmaf filter to snps_extracter, pca
additionall bpp summary tools
October 15, 2020
Fix nasty nasty bug in step 7 for issue #422
October 13, 2020
Fix mapping minus reads bug step 3
September 20, 2020
In structure._call_structure() self is not in scope, so now we pass in the full path to the structure binary.
September 10, 2020
fix oops in window_extracter
Allow scaffold idxs to be int
bugfix to skip scaffs with no hits even when end=None
end arg offset bugfix, may have affected size of windows in treeslider
Add handler for malformed loci in
fix to allow digest of single end RAD
Changed astral annotation to default (#417)
Update dependency documentation
baba2 draw fix
return canvas in draw
Fix an oops iff hackersonly.declone_PCR_duplicates && reference assembly
Merge pull request #409 from camayal/master
path fix for conda envs
path fix for conda envs
update for py38
Update faq.rst
pca docs
Change exit code for successful merging from 1 to 0.
Remove the png outfile from pca because it wants ghostscript package installed and apparently toytree doesn’t have that as a dependency. Annoying.
Update README.rst
Allow pca to write png as well.
Added fade option for blocks and tooltips
Merge pull request #1 from camayal/camayal-baba2-work
Changes in Drawing class
August 01, 2020
Add functionality to pca to allow adding easy text titles to the plots with the param
Document writing pca figure to a file
Allow pca.draw() to write out pdf and svg
force option to remove cftable in snaq
fix ntaxa in phy header for lex
mb ipcoal doc up
get locus phy uppers
changed default nboots in baba
Set pandas max_colwidth=250 to allow for very long sample names.
Fix oops in step 7 where trim_loci 3’ R1 wasn’t being used.
Allow imap pops to be specified as np.ndarray in snps_extracter
fix path snaq log
Fix branching oops
snaq working
network updated
testing network analysis
ast conda bin path fix
ast conda bin path fix
ast conda bin
June 29, 2020
revise installation docs to add conda-forge recommendation to reduce conflict errors
update README install instructions
June 26, 2020
bpp with ipcoal demoup
update tmx tool for toytree v2
conversion funcs in snps_extracter
binder add ipcoal and CF as first env
ipcoal terremix docs
tool and docs for genotype freq conversion output
tool and docs for genotype freq conversion output
baba ipcoal notebook
update 2brad docs slightly
Add force flag to force overwrite vcf_to_hdf5 (prevent redundant conversion)
better prior plots and transformers
mb more prior options and fixed tree support
pca allow setting colors
pca cna set opacity
pca cna set opacity
pca cna set opacity
pca cna set opacity
fix to allow custom colors in pca
fix py2 compat
wex ints
fix api oops in window extracter docs for scaffold_idxs
wex start end as ints
re-supporting single or multiple locs/chrom in wex
option to not subsample SNPs
add mrbayes keepdir arg to organize files
simplified wex
extracter filters invariant sites when subsampled by IMAP
added pca panel plot
subsample loci jit for snps_extractor of linked SNPS
major baba2 update, to replace baba eventually
axes label fix and figt cleanup
handle int chrom names
May 31, 2020
off-by-one to ref pos in s3 applied again here
May 19, 2020
Fix off by 1 error in step 3 for PE data.
Fix toytree documentation in baba cookbook
Fix py2 compat by removing trailing commas from function argument lists in a couple of anaysis tools.
Fix oops in handling errors during convert_outputs
May 09, 2020
Fix nasty off-by-one error in reference positions
multiple default clock models
multiple default clock models
multiple default clock models
multiple default clock models
multiple default clock models
multiple default clock models
multiple default clock models
wex concat name drop fix
ts tmpdir renamed bootsdir
umap learn conda instructions
ts: added dryrun method
wex: remove print debug statement
Fix baba cookbook docs
add umap option
added pseudocode for a further imputer in prog
prettier bpp plot
pca analysis tool passes through quiet flag to subfunctions
warning about missing ref only up with no ref1 or ref2
merge fix
improving ipabpp summary funcs
ensure conda ipcluster bin on stop
bpp prior checks, new ctl build for 4.0, parsing results funcs
Add a helpful message if merging assemblies with technical replicates beyond step 3.
missing import
Handle empty imap population in snps_extractor
binary fix
syntaxerr on quiet
hide toytree dep in ast
ast better error message
ip assemble shows cluster on run by default
show_cluster func now listens to param arg
big update for bpp 4.0, uses lex
wex and ts both use idxs in param name now
simple astral run tool
lex: imap/minmap filtering fix
wex: imap/minmap filtering fix
fixed warning message
default minmap to 0 if imap and minmap empty
hide toyplot dependency
simple option to keep treefiles in treeslider
under the hood mods to pca draw func to make it more atomic
Update faq.rst
Set default filter_adapters parameter to 2
raise warning if ref+ or ref- and method not ref
notes on window extracter
April 17, 2020
1 index POS in vcf output
minmap default is 0
bugfix: apply imapdrop only when imap
faster extraction and mincov after minmap in lex
mincov applies after minmap in wex
scaff arg entered later in cov tool
rmincov added to ts
option to keep all tmp files in treeslider
major fix to names sorting in wex
names offset by scaff length in cov plot
set default inner mate to 500 and use it unless user changes to None, in which case we estimate from reads
tmp working baba update
added locus extracter
option to keep all files in treeslider
added cov plot tool
April 05, 2020
Actually fix FASTQ+64 problem. Max fastq_qmax is 126, so this is set to 93 now (93+33=126)
April 02, 2020
Allow high fastq_qmax in pair merging to allow FASTQ+64 data
April 01, 2020
Record refseq mapped/unmapped for both SE & PE
wextract minmap+consred minmap default added
treeslider default args typed
tested working wextracter
baba merge
new dict for translation
updating bpp for 4.0
March 24, 2020
Fix snpstring length oops in .alleles outputs so they line up right.
March 24, 2020
Fix pd.as_matrix() call which is deprecated.
Force pca.draw() to honor the length of the color list if it is sufficiently long to color all samples in the imap, or at least use the length of the color list to set the value of the variable.
Fix oops in for importing msprime. Pushed it to Sim.__init__, since if you want to do baba, and don’t care about sims, then you shouldn’t have to install msprime.
h5py warning fix
use _pnames to use filtered names in run()
March 08, 2020
Allow more flexibility in sorted fastqs directory (DO NOT DELETE if it points to projectdir + _fastqs)
window extracter fix for multiple loci w/ reduce
March 04, 2020
Fix the treemix output so it actually generates. Took WAYYYY longer than I thought it would.
Update faq.rst
Update faq.rst
February 26, 2020
Fix off by 2 error in minsamp when using reference sequence
window extacter working for denovo loci
Cleaning up a TON of sphinx warnings from the docs and fixing a bunch of docs issues.
fix oops in (import sys)
February 19, 2020
Fix oops in step 6 which was leaving bad sample names hanging after alignment.
February 18, 2020
Set value when routing around hierarchical clustering for ref based assemblies.
disable hierarchical clustering until further testing
split samples evenly among cgroups for hierarch clust
digest genomes uses qual score B instead of b
February 16, 2020
subsample loci func added
counts rm duplicates in denovo and works with step6 skipping alignment of loci w/ dups
denovo paired aligned separately again
fastq qmax error in merge denovo fixed
February 15, 2020
Why can’t i figure out how to comment out this plotting code right? wtf!
February 15, 2020
commented out the import of the baba_plot plotting function and the baba.plot() method as these are broken rn, and also the plotting/baba_plotting routine tries to access toyplot in a way that breaks the conda build since toyplot isn’t a strict requirement. We could fix this in the future, but i’m tring to get the bioconda package to build successfully rn.
February 15, 2020
fix import checking for
February 15, 2020
Handle external imports in the baba module in the same way as the other analysis tools to fix the broken bioconda build.
Add a pops file to the ipsimdata.tar.gz because it’s always useful.
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.9.35
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020
Fix a bug in step 5 handling of RemoteError during indexing alleles.
Report debug traceback for all crashes, not just API. This is essentially making the debug flag useless in v.0.9
February 09, 2020
Roll back baba code to 0.7 version which doesn’t use the current analysis format, but which still works. Saved ongoing baba code as
February 06, 2020
Fix major oops in consens_se which failed step 5 every time. Bad!
In step 6 use the sample.files.consens info, rather than data.dirs to allow for merging assemblies after step 5 where data.dirs is invalid/empty.
February 04, 2020
#392 allow scaffold names to be int
Add sensible error handling if only a few samples fail step 5.
add docs to clustmap_across
fix for name re-ordering in window-extracter with multiple regions selected
added comments
added comments
added sys
Actually handle failed samples in step 2.
fix for new h5py warning
fix for new sklearn warning
January 19, 2020
Fix error in bucky (progressbar hell).
Add error handling in a couple cases if run() hasn’t been called, e.g. before draw, and also add the pcs() function as a convenience.
Removed support for legacy argument format from and updated the docs.
Allow PCA() to import data as vcf.
Add support for importing VCF into PCA
January 16, 2020
Fix whoops with bucky progressbars
January 15, 2020
Fix bucky progressbar calls.
Fixed progressbar calls in
Conda install instructions were wrong.
add future print import to
Add releasenotes to the TOC
January 12, 2020
Fix to actually record releasenotes
Fix releasenotes in versioner script
Fix releasenotes
January 12, 2020
Fix releasenotes
January 01, 2020
During steps 5 & 6 honor the filter_min_trim_len parameter, which is useful in some cases (2brad).
In step 3, force vsearch to honor the filter_min_trim_len param, otherwise it defaults to –minseqlength 32, which can be undesirable in some cases.
December 31, 2019
concatedits files now write to the tmpdir, rather than edits (#378), also handle refmap samples with no reads that map to the reference, also change where edits files are pulling from during PE merging to allow for assembly merging after step 2. phew.
digested genome bugfix - check each fbit 0 and -1
digest genomes nscaffolds arg support
docs cookbook updates
new consens sampling function and support for window extracter to concatenate
comment about zlib
December 24, 2019
Fix IPyradError import
December 24, 2019
December 23, 2019
Add support for .ugeno file
Add support for .ustr format
Remove duplication of code in write_str()
Fix docs for output formats
Add back output formats documentation
December 23, 2019
Fix stupid bug introduced by fe8c2dfc282e177a7c18f6e2e23ef84d284a9e3f
December 18, 2019
Expose analysis.baba for testing
fasterq-dump seems to be only avail on linux
Fix bug in handling sample names in the pops file. re: #375.
Allow faidict scaffold names to be int (cast to dtype=object)
December 03, 2019
Fix step 6 with pop_assign_file
fix for empty samples after align
list missing as ./. in VCF (like we used to)
November 23, 2019
Fix oops handling missing data in vcf to hdf5
mb binary path bugfix
treeslider mb bugfix
treeslider mb working
treemix support for conda env installations
additional drawing options for pca
raxml cookbook update
tetrad notebook updated
Fix oops in checking for lowercase overhangs seqs
Fix a nasty stupid bug setting the overhang sequence
Add back the docs about merging
Error checking in step 5.
Forbid lowercase in overhang sequence
November 04, 2019
Ooops. Allow popsfile w/o crashing, and allow populations to be integer values
cookbooks added link to nb
pca stores results as attr instead or returning
October 31, 2019
commented fix of optim chunksize calc
treeslider now working with mb
toggle to write in nexus
mb saves convergence stats as df
single-end mapping infiles bugfix
pca cookbook update
added fasttree tool
update cookbooks index
cookbooks updated headers
warning about denovo-ref to use new param
clustmap keeps i5s and can do ref minus
window extracter updated
mb load existing results and bugfix result paths
update treemix and mb docs
Fix calculation of optim during step 6 aligning. 3-4x speedup on this medium sized simulated data i’m working on.
Fix oops in how optim was being counted. Was counting using _unsorted_ seed handle, I switched it to use sorted and now it works more like expected
Clean up clust.txt files after step 3 finishes
Update docs and parameter descriptions to reflect new reality of several params
Add handlers for denovo +/- reference.
vcf tool docs
tools docs update
enable vcf_to_hdf5
pca reps legend looks nice
added replicate clouds to pca
vcf to hdf5 converter tested empirically
Add from the hotfix branch
Pull from the correct repo inside meta.yaml
VCF 9’s fixed to be .
Add back tetrad docs
default hackers set to yes merge tech reps, and cleanup
behavior for duplicates in barcodes file
bugfix: error reporting for barcodes within n
find binary from env or user entered
find ipcluster from conda env bin
bugfix: allow demux i7s even if datatype=pair3rad
add the notebook tunnel docs back
pedicularis cli tutorial updated
df index needed sorting
Allow sample names to be integers. wtf, how did this never come up before?
Add the McCartney-Melstad ref to the faq
fix typo in bpp cookbook
Fix bpp Params import
docs nav bar cleanup
testing binder w/o treemix
Add advanced tutorial back (?), maybe as a placeholder.
Remove references to smalt and replace with bwa. That’s some old-ass junk!
Fixed the script and added the faq.rst to the newdocs
October 05, 2019
binder update
docs update
add bpp docs
indentation in docs
add i7 demux cookbook
mroe analysis cookbooks
analysis cookbooks
merged clustmap
Fix a nasty bug with stats for assemblies where chunks end up empty after filtering
Fix step 3 to allow some tmpchunks to be empty without raising an error during chunk aligning
Fix a bug in
Fix a nasty error in jointestimate.stackarray() where some long reads were slipping in over the maxlen length and causing a broadcast error
py2 bug: print missing as float
py2 bug fix: database ordering
allow iterable params object for py2 and 3
Fix an edge case to protect against empty chunks post-filtering during step 7
install docs update
Fix CLI so merge works
Fix the max_shared_Hs param description to agree with only having one value, rather than 1 value perper R1/R2
Ooops. checked in a pdb.set_trace in write outfiles. sorry!
add deps to newdocs
bug fix for a rare trim that leaves >=1 all-N rows. Filter it.
documenting a hard coded backward compatibility in write_output.Processor()
hdf5 formatting for window slider in both denovo and ref
sratools up to date with CLI working too
Don’t pester about mpi4py if you’re not actually using MPI (CLI mode)
Allow for user to not input overhang sequences and jointestimate will just proceed with the edges included.
chunked downloads bug fix
<sunspots cause discontinuity in version history>
March 09, 2019
Fix pca for scikit 1.2.0 API and a few minor fixes.
Update faq.rst
Update faq.rst
January 21, 2019
Fix nasty ValueError bug in step 7 (re: merged PE loci)
Update faq.rst
Update faq.rst
Update faq.rst
Adding more docs
Starting list of papers related to assembly parameters
Remove ‘skip’ flags from meta.yaml, because False is default now
Add funcsigs dependency
Fix so max locus length is autodetected from the data, instead of being fixed at 300
Adding a conversion script which takes in a directory of nexus alignments and writes out a .loci file. This is as stupid as possible and it makes a lot of assumptions about the data, so don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work right.
added missing dependency on cutadapt (#314)
Add support for finding bins in a virtualenv environment installed with pip
add missing requirement: dask[array] (#313)
Update faq.rst
Update faq.rst
fix branching docs
Fix a nasty bug in sra tools if you try to dl more than 50 or 60 samples.
fix dox
Fix references to load_assembly to point to load_json
Removing docs of preview mode
Purge references to preview mode. Clean up some deprecated code blocks in demux.
Remove import of util.* from load, and include only the few things it needs, remove circular dependency.
Add docs about structure parallel runs failing silently
Removing the restriction on ipyparallel version to obtain the ‘IPython cluster’ tab in notebooks.
Adding docs about engines that die silently on headless nodes
Add title and save ability to pca.plot()
Make pca.plot() less chatty
Forbid nPCs < n samples
Update ipyrad meta.yaml to specify ipyparallel, and scikit-allel version.
Fix pis docs in faq
Update full_tutorial_CLI.rst
Update full_tutorial_CLI.rst
Update full_tutorial_CLI.rst
Update full_tutorial_CLI.rst
Adding scikit-allel dependency for pca analysis tool
Update cookbook-PCA-pedicularis.ipynb
Fix a bug that was causing _link_fastqs to fail silently.
fixing inconsistencies in the pedicularis CLI tutorial
Big update to the PCA cookbook.
June 18, 2018
Add functions for missingness, trim missing, and fill missing.
Adding PCA cookbook
pcs are now stored as pandas, also, you can specify ncomps
June 15, 2018
Add distance plot, and pca.pcs to hold coordinates per sample
remove some crust from pca.pywq
June 14, 2018
Adding analysis.pca
Allow passing in just a dict for specifying populations to _link_populations(), and assume all minsamps = 0
Some of step 2 docs were outdated
Fix stupid link
Adding some docs about MIG-seq.
Damn this cluster config mayhem is a mess.
Fix faq re pyzmq
adding docs about max_snp_locus settings
Fix merge conflict
Add docs to fix the GLIBC error
Docs for r1/r2 not the same length
May 17, 2018
nb showing fix for 6-7 branching
nb showing fix for 6-7 branching
fixed branching between 6-7 when using populations information
suppress h5py warning
Allow sample names to be numbers as well.
May 03, 2018
Better handling of utf-8 in sample names by default.
Add docs in the faq about the empty varcounts array
Catch an exception in sratools raised by non-existant sra directory.
Add HDF5 file locking fix to the faq.
Add docs to peddrad notebook.
Adding PE-ddRAD analysis notebook.
Add the right imports error message to the structure analysis tool.
February 21, 2018
some releasenotes fixes
Fix filter_min_trim_len not honoring the setting in the params file.
February 13, 2018
bug fix to
updated tetrad cookbook
ipa: structure has max_var_multiple option, and documentation now includes it.
update baba cookbook
API user guide update
bug fix: allow for ‘n’ character in reftrick
ipa: can reload structure results, better API design for summarizing results, better documentation
allow subsetting in baba plot, and bug fix for generate_tests dynamic func
undo dumb commit
added –download to the docs example
January 23, 2018
Fix step 2 with imported fastq ungzipped.
docs update
update ipa structure notebook
update ipyparallel tutorial
update ipa structure notebook
docs updates
improved cleanup on sra tools
updated bucky cookbook
updated –help for sra download
updated docs for sra download
January 09, 2018
fixed gphocs output format
A note to add a feature for the future.
abba baba cookbook updated for new code
updated baba plot to work better with updated toytree
baba: added functions for parsing results of 5-taxon tests and improved plotting func.
added notes
added CLI command to do quick downloads from SRA. Useful for tutorials especially
update bpp cookbook
added functions to calculate Evanno K and to exlude reps based on convergence stats
added funcs to bpp tool to load existing results and to parse results across replicates
ipp jobs are submitted as other jobs finish so that RAM doesn’t fill up with queued arrays
November 16, 2017
bugfix; error was raised in no barcodes during step2 filtering for gbs data. Now just a warning is printed
Fixed structure conda meta.yaml
Fix ipcluster warning message.
Adding to the faq explaining stats better
new working meta.yaml
trying alternatives with setup files for jupyter conda bug fix
updating stuff to try to fix jupyter missing in conda install
November 13, 2017
allow user to set bpp binary path if different from default ‘bpp’
skip concat edits of merged reads if merge file exists unless force flag is set
added a progress bar tracker for reference indexing
speed improvement to refmapping, only tests merge of read pairs if their mapped positions overlap
update to docs
update API userguide
added twiist tool
update bpp notebook
tetrad bug fix for OSX users for setting thread limit
added check for structure path in
allow setting binary path and check for binary added to
Update requirements.txt
Added to the faq how to fix the GLIBC error.
Fix logging of superints shape.
Test for samples in the populations file not in the assembly.
October 28, 2017
Properly handle empty chunks during alignment. Very annoying.
October 28, 2017
Fix SE reference bug causing lots of rm_duplicates.
Lowered min_se_refmap_overlap and removed useless code to recalibrate it based on filter_min_trim_len.
Actually fix conda package.
aslkfljsdjsdffd i don’t know how this shit works.
Fixing build still.
Fix typo in meta.yaml.
October 01, 2017
Fix conda build issue.
September 28, 2017
Fix orientation of R2 for pe refmap reads.
better error reporting, and ensure * at top of stacks
quickfix from last commit, keep first st seq after pop to seed in align
edge trim in s7 cuts at 4 or minsamp
added adapter-barcode order checking for cases where merged samples, and pegbs data is analyzed either as pe or forced into se.
update to gbs edge trimming, stricter filtering on partial overlapping seqs
Add a comment line to the pysam conda build to make it easier to build on systems with older glibc.
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.7.13
API style modifications to tetrad
September 05, 2017
API style modifications to tetrad
September 04, 2017
Add support for optional bwa flags in hackersonly.
Force resetting the step 6 checkpointing if step 5 is re-run.
fix for max_shared_Hs when a proportion instead of a fixed number. Now the proportion is applied to every locus based on teh number of samples in that locus, not the total N samples
access barcode from assembly not sample unless multiple barcodes per sample. Simpler.
added back in core throttling in demux step b/c it is IO limited
fix to progress bar fsck, and fix to cluster location used in step4 that was breaking if assemblies were merged between 3 and 4
step 6 clustering uses threading options from users for really large systems to avoid RAM limits
fix for progress bar printing in tetrad, and to args entry when no tree or map file
fix to default ncbi sratools path
August 28, 2017
update ezrad notebook
ezrad-test notebook up
Update cookbook-empirical-API-1-pedicularis.ipynb
big improvements to sratools ipa, now better fetch function, easier renaming, and wraps utility to reassign ncbi dump locations
fix for bucky bug in error reporting
wrote tetrad CLI to work with new tetrad object
rewrite of tetrad, cleaner code big speed improvements
allow more flexible name entry for paired data, i.e., allow _R1.fastq, or _1.fastq instead of only _R1_.fastq, etc.
Fixed denovo+reference assembly method.
update bpp cookbook
update bpp cookbook
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.7.11
removed repeat printing of error statements
added more warning and reports to bpp analysis tool
August 14, 2017
removed repeat printing of error statements
added more warning and reports to bpp analysis tool
August 14, 2017
better error checking in bucky run commandipa tools
added workdir default name to sra tools ipa tool
improved error checking in step 6
bugfix for VCF output where max of 2 alternative alleles were written although there could sometimes be 3
August 08, 2017
fix misspelled force option in ipa bucky tool
bpp ipa tool changed ‘locifile’ arg to ‘data’ but still support old arg, and removed ‘seed’ arg from run so that the only ‘seed’ arg is in paramsdict
bugfix to not remove nex files in bucky ipa tool
August 07, 2017
cleaner shutdown of tetrad on interrupt. Bugfix to stats counter for quartets sampled value. Cleaner API access by grouoping attributes into params attr.
cleanup rawedit to shutdown cleaner when interrupted
modified run wrapper in assembly object to allow for cleaner shutdown of ipyclient engines
bug fix so that randomize_order writes separate seqfiles for each rep in bpp analysis tool
Adding error handling, prevent tmp files being cleaned up during DEBUG, and fix tmp-align files for PE refmap.
Derep and cluster 2brad on both strands.
Actually fix refmap PE merging.
Fix merging for PE refmap.
Add a switch to _not_ delete temp files if DEBUG is on. Helpful.
2 new merge functions for PE refmap. One is slowwwww, the other uses pipes, but doesn’t work 100% yet.
New hackersonly parameter to switch merging PE after refmap.
bugfix to ipa baba plotting function for updated toyplot
Reduce minovlen length for merging reference mapped PE reads.
docs update
docs update
improved design of –ipcluster flag in tetrad CLI
improved design of –ipcluster flag in tetrad CLI
improved design of –ipcluster flag in ipyrad CLI
July 28, 2017
bpp randomize-order argument bugfix
added .draw to treemix object
update tuts
July 27, 2017
Proper support for demux 2brad.
July 27, 2017
Fix very nasty refmap SE bug.
update tutorials – added APIs
update tutorials – added APIs
testing MBL slideshow
API cookbooks updated
cleanup of badnames in sratools
July 26, 2017
Added error handling in persistent_popen_align3
Catch bad seeds in step 6 sub_build_clustbits().
July 26, 2017
Actually fix the step 6 boolean mask error.
Fix for boolean mask array length bug in step 6.
add -noss option for treemix ipa
mods to tetrad and sratools ipa
ensure ints not floats for high depth base counts
sratools updates
improvements to sratools
added extra line ending to step7 final print statement
add dask to environment.yaml
added sratools to ipyrad.analysis
July 23, 2017
Better handling for restarting jobs in substeps of step 6.
Fixed the fscking pysam conda-build scripts for osx.
Add patch for pysam build on osx
Fix for conda-build v3 breaking meta.yaml
Using htslib internal to pysam and removing bcftools/htslib/samtools direct dependencies.
Add force flag to force building clusters if utemp exists.
conda recipe updates
updateing conda recipe
ensure stats are saved as floats
fix to bug introduced just now to track progress during s6 clustering
Fix an issue with merged assemblies and 3rad.
fix for step 6 checkpoints for reference-based analyses
conda recipe tweaking
conda recipe updates
fix to conda recipes
update bucky cookbook
added shareplot code
bucky ipa update remove old files
conda recipe updated
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.7.2
update conda recipe
update pysam to correct version
July 10, 2017
update conda recipe
update pysam to correct version (
added bucky ipa code
bucky cookbook up
automatically merges technical replicates in demux
check multiple barcodes in samples that were merge of technical replicates
fix for alleles output error
Added checkpointing/restarting from interrupt to step 6.
Added cli detection for better spacer printing.
bpp bug fixe to ensure full path names
API user guide docs update.
cookcook updates tetrad and treemix
new _cli, _checkpoint, and _spacer attributes, and new ‘across’ dir for step 6
load sets cli=False by default, and it saves checkpoint info
allow profile with ipcluster
treemix report if no data is written (i.e., all filtered)
fix to allow setting nquartets again.
Better integration of API/CLI.
Bug fix to Tree drawing when no boots in tetrad.
tetrad fix for compatibility with new toytree rooting bug fix for saving features.
cli is now an attribute of the Assembly object that is set to True by __main__ at runtime, otherwise 0.
cluster_info() now prints instead of return
rehaul of bucky ipa tools
print cluster_info now skips busy engines
unroot tetrad tree on complete
June 16, 2017
Actually handle SE reference sequence clustering.
Prevent empty clust files from raising an error. Probably only impacts sim data.
If debug the retain the bed regions per sample as a file in the refmap directory.
updated tunnel docs
HPC tunnel update
support for parsing supervised structure analyses in ipa
HPC tunnel docs update
update analysis docs
ipa.treemix params
more params added to ipa.treemix
cookbook update treemix
fix to conda rec
treemix ipa updates
June 15, 2017
put a temporary block on denovo+ref
added treemix ipa funcs
update conda recipe
added notebook for structure with popdata
updated tetrad notebook
update bpp notebook
fix missing newline in alleles
ipa structure file clobber fix
cleaner and more consistent API attr on ipa objects
Added docs for the -t flag.
fix in ipa.structure so replicate jobs to do not overwrite
Fix bad link in docs.
better method to find raxml binary in analysis tools
consens bugfix for new ipmlementation
ensure h5 files are closed after dask func
fix to parse chrom pos info from new consens name format
removed deprecated align funcs
removed hardcoded path used in testing
removed deprecated align funcs. Made it so build_clusters() does nothing for ‘reference’ method since there is a separate method in ref for chunking clusters
some new simpler merge funcs
make new ref funcs work with dag map
new build funcs usign pysam
June 03, 2017
Step 6 import fullcomp from util.
June 01, 2017
Step 4 - Handle the case where no clusters have sufficient depth for statistical basecalling.
May 30, 2017
Fix a bug in refmap that was retaining the reference sequence in the final clust file on rare occasions.
May 25, 2017
Bug fix for “numpq” nameerror
May 24, 2017
bug fix for numq error in s5
May 22, 2017
Fixed bug in vcf output for reference mapped.
May 19, 2017
Fix new chrom/pos mechanism to work for all assembly methods.
Change chroms dtype to int64. Reference sequence CHROM is now 1-indexed. Anonymous loci are -1 indexed.
Switch chroms dataset dtype to int64.
Fix for alleles output.
Fix nasty PE refmap merging issue.
Fix massive bug in how unmapped reads are handled in refmap.
added md5 names to derep and simplified code readability within pairmerging
fix for binary finder
added dask to conda recipe
added dask dependency
May 10, 2017
added dask dependency
vcf building with full ref info
bug fix to alleles output and support vcf chrompos storage in uint64
simpler and slightly faster consens calls and lower memory and stores chrompos as uint64s
chrompos now stored as uint64
reducing memory load in race conditions for parallel cutadapt jobs
Squash Cosmetic commit logs in releasenotes. Add more informative header in step 7 stats file.
Trying to catch bad alignment for PE in step 6.
May 04, 2017
Handle empty locus when building alleles file. Solves the ValueError “substring not found” during step 7.
workshop notebook uploaded
May 03, 2017
update to analysis tools
accepted the local bpp notebook
complete bpp notebook up
notebook updates
raxml docs
raxml cookbook up
docs update
raxml docs updated
links to miniconda updated
fix for tetrad restarting bootstraps
removed bitarray dependency
adding restart checkpoints in step6
April 26, 2017
support for alleles file in bpp tools
align names in alleles output
bugfix to name padding in .alleles output
slight delay between jobs
bpp store asyncs
bpp store asyncs
update bpp cookbook
testing html
testing html
new filter_adapters=3 option adds filtering of poly-repeats
conda recipe update for cutadapt w/o need of add-channel
April 25, 2017
alleles output now supported
Additional documentation for max_alleles_consens parameter.
support alleles output, minor bug fixes for step6, much faster alignment step6
lower default ‘cov’ value for vsearch within clustering in RAD/ddrad/pairddrad
tetrad bug, use same ipyclient for consensus tree building
store asyncs in the structure object
allow passing in ipyclient explicitly in .run() in tetrad
fix for time stamp issue in tetrad
Better testing for existence of all R2 files for merged assemblies.
notebook updates
tunnel docs update
updated HPC docs
tetrad cookbook updated
HPC docs update
bpp cookbook good to go
update tetrad notebook
missing import
April 18, 2017
Actually fix gphocs output.
allow passing in ipyclient in API
baba notebook update
cleaner api for bpp object
new analysis setup
updated analysis tools without ete
adding doc string
April 13, 2017
Fixed CHROM/POS output for reference mapped loci.
April 13, 2017
Fix gphocs output format.
If the user removes the population assignment file blank out the data.populations dictionary.
April 10, 2017
Prevent versioner from including merge commits in the release notes cuz they are annoying.
Add the date of each version to the releasenotes docs, for convenience.
Experimenting with adding date to releasenotes.rst
added more attributres to tree
change alpha to >=
tip label and node label attributes added to tree
tetrad ensure minrank is int
fix structure obj removing old files
lots of cleanup to baba code
edit to analysis docs
Handle pop assignment file w/o the min sample per pop line.
merge conflict resolved
bug fix for tuples in output formats json
sim notebook started
cookbook abba-baba updated
tetrad cookbook api added
added option to change line spacing on progress bar
major overhaul to ipyrad.analysis and plotting
option to buffer line spacing on cluster report
Removed confusing punctuation in warning message
Make vcf and loci output files agree about CHROM number per locus.
Cosmetic change to debug output.
Make the new debug info append instead of overwrite.
Fix annoying bug with output_format param I introduced recently.
Add platform info to default log output on startup.
Actually write the error to the log file on cutadapt failure.
Write the version and the args used to the log file for each run. This might be annoying, but it could be useful.
bpp randomize option added to write
adding bpp cookbook update
updating analysis tools for new bpp baba and tree
merge resolved
analysis init update for new funcs
apitest update
abba cookbook update
update bpp cookbook
small edit to HPC docs
tetrad formatting changing
updated analysis tools cookbooks
docs analysis page fix
added header to bpp convert script
March 27, 2017
Fix a bug in PE refmapping.
Fix error reporting if when testing for existence of the clust_database file at beginning of step 7.
Fix bug reading output formats from params file.
Add docs for dealing with long running jobs due to quality issues.
bug fix for output format empty
structure cookbook update
pushing analysis tools
svg struct plot added
structure cookbook updates
struct image added for docs
update structure cookbook for new code
Actually fix the output_format default if blank.
Set blank output formats in params to default to all formats.
Add a filter flag for samtools to push secondary alignments to the unmapped file.
rm old files
shareplot code in progress
work in progress baba code notebook
a decent api intro but bland
beginnings of a migrate script
raxml docs updated, needs work still
analysis docs page update
structure parallel wrapper scripts up in analysis
simplifying analysis imports
cleanup top imports
Adding support for G-PhoCS output format.
Fix wacky reporting of mapped/unmapped reads for PE.
Document why we don’t write out the alleles format currently.
module init headers
added loci2cf script
update structure notebook with conda recipes
fileconversions updated
loci2cf func added
cookbook bucky docs up
loci2multinex and bucky notebook updated
BUCKy cookbook updated
bucky conda recipe up
fix to API access hint
cleaner code by moving msgs to the end
slight modification to paired adapter trimming code
cleaner Class Object in baba
minor change to cluster_info printing in API
Filter reference mapped reads my mapq < 30, and handle the occasional malformed region string in bam_region_to_fasta.
Handle PE muscle failing alignment.
Cosmetic faq.rst
Cosmetic faq.rst
Cosmetic docs changes.
Add docs for step 3 crashing bcz of lack of memory.
Catch a bug in alignment that would crop up intermittently.
removed the –profile={} tip from the docs
Fix notebook requirement at runtime error.
Fix formatting of output nexus file.
Changed the sign on the new hackersonly parameter min_SE_refmap_overlap.
added a persistent_popen function for aligning, needs testing before implementing
debugger in demux was printing way too much
bugfix for empty lines in branching subsample file
Add a janky version checker to nag the user.
Actually remove the reference sequence post alignment in step 3. This was BREAKING STUFF.
updated notebook requirement in conda recipe
Handle conda building pomo on different platforms.
Ooops we broke the script. Now it’s fixed.
conda recipe updates
conda recipe updates
conda recipe updates
testing git lfs for storing example data
Fixed stats reported for filtered_by_depth during step 5.
Add new hackersonly parameter min_SE_refmap_overlap and code to to forbid merging SE reads that don’t significantly overlap.
Use preprocessing selectors for linux/osx for clumpp.
Add url/md5 for mac binary to clumpp meta.yaml
conda recipes update
getting ipyrad to conda install on other envs
updating versions for conda, rtd,
moving conda recipes
conda recipe dir structure
bpp install bug fix
bpp recipe fix
conda recipes added
Roll back change to revcomp reverse strand SE hits. Oops.
fix merge conflect with debug messages.
Fix a bug in refmap, and handle bad clusters in cluster_within.
Actually revcomp SE - strand reads.
updated HPC docs
updated HPC docs
updated HPC docs
bug fix in building_arrays where completely filtered array bits would raise index error -1
tunnel docs updates
method docs updated to say bwa
some conda tips added
fix for name parsing of non gzip files that was leaving an underscore
Allow get_params using the param string as well as param index
Update hpc docs to add the sleep command when firing up ipcluster manually.
Fixed some formatting issues in the FAQ.rst.
Fixed 2 errors in steps 3 and 4.
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.6.4
left a debugging print statement in the code
removed old bin
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.6.4
left a debugging print statement in the code
removed old bin
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.6.4
update to docs parameters
bug fix for merging assemblies with a mix of same named and diff named samples
Fixed a bug i introduced to assembly. Autotroll.
Fix subtle bug with migration to trim_reads parameter.
Fixed malformed nexus output file.
cookbook updates to docs
updated cookbook structure pedicularis
trim reads default 0,0,0,0. Similar action to trim loci, but applied in step 2 to raws
trim_reads default is 0,0
raise default cov/minsl for gbs data to 0.5 from 0.33
prettifying docs
pedicularis docs update v6 way way faster
updated tutorial
fixing links in combining data docs
updating tutorial for latest version/speed
added docs for combining multiple plates
added docs for combining multiple plates
added docs for combining multiple plates
Removed from output formats defaults (it doesn’t do anything)
baba cookbooks [unfinished] up
finally added osx QMC and fixed bug for same name and force flag rerun
put back in a remove tmpdirs call
removed a superfluous print statement
bug fix to mapfile, now compatible with tetrad
paramsinfo for new trimreads param
branching fix for handling new param names and upgrading to them
better handling of pairgbs no bcode trimming. Now handles –length arg
better handling of KBD in demux. Faster compression.
forgot sname var in cutadaptit_single
Fix step 2 for PE reads crashing during cutatapt.
Test for bz2 files in sorted_fastq_path and nag the user bcz we don’t support this format.
Step 1 create tmp file for estimating optim chunk size in project_dir not ./
Add force flag to mapreads(), mostly to save time on rerunning if it crashes during finalize_mapping. Also fixed a nasty bug in refmapping.
Added text to faq about why PE original RAD is hard to assemble, cuz people always ask.
Better handling of loci w/ duplicate seqs per sample.
Fix a bug that munged some names in branching.
merge conflict
modified for new trim param names
support for new trim_loci param
support for updated cutadapt
bugfix for hackerdict modify of cov
chrom only for paired data
changed two parameter names (trims)
tested out MPI checks
cutadapt upgrade allow for –length option
Moved log file reset from init to main to prevent -r from blanking the log >:{
Moved log file reset from __init__ to __main__
Don’t bother aligning clusters with duplicates in step 6.
baba update
remove print statement left in code
same fix to names parser, better.
added comment ideas for chrompos in refmap
bug fix, Sample names were being oversplit if they had ‘.’ in them
test labels, improved spacing, collapse_outgroups options added to baba plots
Fix debug message in refmap and don’t raise on failure to parse reference sequence.
attempts to make better cleanup for interrupt in API
some cleanup to calling steps 1,2 funcs
speed testing demux code with single vs multicore
moved setting of [‘merged’] to replace filepath names to Assembly instead of main so that it also works for the API
added a np dict-like arr to be used in baba, maybe in ref.
baba plotting functions added
Better handling of tmpdir in step 6.
added baba cookbook
only map chrom pos if in reference mode
new batch and plotting functions
trim .txt from new branch name if accidentally added to avoid Assembly name error
added a name-checker to the branch-drop CLI command
Fixed legend on Pedicularis manuscript analysis trees.
Cosmetic change
Adding manuscript analysis tree plotting for empirical PE ddRAD refmap assemblies.
More or less complete manuscript analysis results.
Actually fix vcf writing CHROM/POS information from refseq mapped reads.
Handle monomorphic loci during vcf construction.
removed deprecated subsample option from jointestimate
–ipcluster method looks for default profile and cluster-id instance
clode cleanup and faster haploid E inference
simplified cluster info printing
enforce ipyclient.shutdown at end of API run() if engine jobs are not stopped
code cleanup. Trying to allow better KBD in step2
lots of cleanup to DAG code. Now ok for individual samples to fail in step3, others will continue. Sorts clusters by derep before align chunking
Allow assemblies w/o chrom/pos data in the hdf5 to continue using the old style vcf position numbering scheme.
Don’t print the error message about samples failing step 4 if no samples actually fail.
Set a size= for reference sequence to sort it to the top of the chunk prior to muscle aligning.
Allow samples with very few reads to gracefully fail step 4.
Better error handling during reference mapping for PE.
Fix error reporting in merge_pairs().
Add CHROM/POS info to the output vcf file. The sorting order is a little wonky.
Handle empty project_dir when running -r.
a clean bighorse notebook run on 100 cores
Fix minor merge conflict in ref_muscle_chunker.
Use one persistant subprocess for finalizing mapped reads. Big speed-up. Also fix a stupid bug in estimating insert size.
Better handling of errors in merge_pairs, and more careful cleanup on error.
If /dev/shm exists, use it for finalizing mapped reads.
Handle a case where one or the other of the PE reads is empty.
cleaner print cpus func
Adding a new dataset to the catg and clust hdf5 files to store CHROM and POS info for reference mapped reads.
added cleanhorse notebook
working on notebook
cleanup up redundancy
MUCH FASTER STEP 4 using numba array building and vectorized scipy
MUCH FASTER MUSCLE ALIGNING. And a bug fix to a log reporter
bug fix to error/log handler
Finish manuscript refmap results analysis. Added a notebook for plotting trees from manuscript Pedicularis assembly.
Better checking for special characters in assembly names, and more informative error message.
added a test on big data
broken notebook
development notebook for baba
working on shareplots
testing caching numba funcs for faster run starts
added optional import of subprocess32
docs update
progress on baba
added option to add additional adapters to be filtered from paired data
Adding pairwise fst to manuscript analysis results. Begin work on raxml for manuscript analysis results.
Change a log message from info to warn that handles exceptions in rawedit.
abba baba updated
Fixed link in tetrad doc and cosmetic change to API docs.
Add comments to results notebooks.
Adding manuscript reference mapping results.
Manuscript analysis reference sequence mapping horserace updates. Stacks mostly done. dDocent started.
Adding ddRAD horserace nb.
Better cleanup during refmap merge_pairs (#211).
update for raxml-HYBRID
update raxml docs
cleanup old code
update raxml docs
updating raxml docs
update to bucky cookbook
bug fix to ensure chunk size of the tmparray in make-arrays is not greater than the total array size
fix for vcf build chunk error ‘all input arrays must have the same number of dimensions’. This was raised if no loci within a chunk passed filtering
allow vcf build to die gracefully
api cleanup
updated docs for popfile
fix for long endings on new outfile writing method
Made max size of the log file bigger by a zero.
Be nice and clean up a bunch of temporary files we’d been leaving around.
Better handling for malformed R1/R2 filenames.
api notebook update
more verbose warning on ipcluster error
allow setting ipcluster during Assembly instantiation
improved populations parser, and cosmetic
greatly reduced memory load with new func boss_make_arrays that builds the arrays into a h5 object on disk, and uses this to build the various output files. Also reduced disk load significantly by fixing the maxsnp variable bug which was making an empty array that was waay to big. Also added support for nexus file format. Still needs partition info to be added.
CLI ipcluster cluster-id=’ipyrad-cli-xxx’ to more easily differentiate from API
added note on threading
API cleanup func names
write outfiles h5 mem limit work around for build-arrays
step 1 with sorted-fastq-path no longer creates empty fastq dirs
API user guide updated
Added ipyclient.close() to API run() to prevent ‘too many files open’ error.
Bug fix for concatenation error in vcf chunk writer
added smarter chunking of clusters to make for faster muscle alignments
closed many subprocess handles with close_fds=True
added closure for open file handle
cleanup of API attributes and hidden funcs with underscores
Refmap: actually fix clustering when there are no unmapped reads.
Updated docs for parameters.
Refmap: Handle case where all reads map to reference sequence (skip unmapped clustering).
More refined handling of reference sequences with wacky characters in the chrom name like | and (. Who would do that?
Raxml analysis code added to Analysis Tools:
HPC tunneling documentation updated with more troubleshooting
Better handling of final alignments when they contain merged and unmerged sequences (#207)
added finetune option to loci2bpp Analysis tools notebook.
More improvements to manuscript analysis.
Finished simulated analysis results and plotting.
Improve communication if full raw path is wonky.
Horserace is complete for simulated and empirical. Continued improvement to gathering results and plotting.
Fix for 3Rad w/ only 2 cutters during filtering.
Better handling for malformed 3rad barcodes file.
improved progress bar
merge fix
notebook testing geno build
Fix to memory handling on vcf build, can now handle thousands of taxa. Also, now saves filepaths to json and API object.
progres on dstats package
More progress on manuscript horserace. Analysis is done, now mostly working on gathering results.
Fix error handing during writing of vcf file.
notebook testing
purge after each step to avoid memory spillover/buildup
better handling of memory limits in vcf build. Now producing geno output files. Better error reporting when building output files
added a global dict to util
new smaller limit of chunk sizes in h5 to avoid memory limits
analysis docs update
Document weird non-writable home directory on cluster issues.
docs update for filtering differences
merge fix
tetrad notebook edits
dstat calc script editing
Added code to copy barcodes during assembly merge. Barcodes are needed for all PE samples in step 2.
Better handling for PE with loci that have some merged and some unmerged reads.
Allow other output formats to try to build if vcf fails.
Fixed bug that was forcing creation of the vcf even if it wasn’t requested.
More improved handling for low/no depth samples.
Better handling for cleanup of samples with very few reads.
Catch sample names that don’t match barcode names when importing demux’d pair data.
Serious errors now print to ipyrad_log.txt by default.
Handle sample cleanup if the sample has no hidepth clusters.
Fix for declone_3rad on merged reads.
Better support for 3rad lining presorted fastqs.
bucky cookbook updated
dstat code updates
bucky cookbook uploaded
added tetrad docs
make tetrad work through API
added tetrad notebook
Swap out smalt for bwa inside refmapping. Also removes reindexing of reference sequence on -f in step 3.
fix for array error that was hitting in Ed’s data, related to 2X count for merged reads. This is now removed.
bug fix for 4/4 entries in vcf when -N at variable site.
prettier printing of stats file
fix for array error that was hitting in Ed’s data, related to 2X count for merged reads. This is now removed.
bug fix for 4/4 entries in vcf when -N at variable site.
prettier printing in s5 stats file
hotfix for large array size bug introduced in 0.4.8
bug fix to measure array dims from mindepth settings, uses statistical for s4, and majrule for s5
adding bwa binary for mac and linux
improved N removal from edges of paired reads with variable lengths
new parsing of output formats, and fewer defaults
only snps in the vcf is new default. Added pair support but still need to decide on spacer default. New cleaner output-formats stored as a tuple
small fix for better error catching
new hidepth_min attr to save the mindepth setting at the time when it is used
mindepth settings are now checked separately from other parameters before ‘run’ to see if they are incompatible. Avoids race between the two being compared individually in set-params.
new functions in steps 3-5 to accomodate changes to mindepth settings so that clusters-hidepth can be dynamically recalculated
fix to SSH tunnel docs
hotfix for step5 sample save bug. pushed to soon
make compatible with changes to s6
allow sample to fail s2 without crashing
cleaner progress bar and enforced maxlen trimming of longer reads
lowered maxlen addon, enforced maxlen trimming in singlecat
updates to docs
testing new maxlen calculation to better acommodate messy variable len paired data sets.
update to docs about pre-filtering
temporary fix for mem limit in step 6 until maxlen is more refined
Fix bug in refmap.
Nicely clean up temp files if refmap merge fails.
Add docs for running ipcluster by hand w/ MPI enabled.
Fix PE refmap bug #148
Documenting PYTHONPATH bug that crops up occasionally.
Adjusted fix to bgzip test.
Fixed a bug w/ testing for bgzip reference sequence. Also add code to fix how PE ref is handled to address #148.
fix for last fix
fix for last push gzip
collate with io.bufferedwriter is faster
faster collating of files
Continuing work on sim and empirical analysis.
rev on barcode in step2 filter pairgbs
faster readcounter for step1 and fullcomp on gbs filter=2 barcode in step2
tunnel docs update
working on a SSH tunnel doc page
Handle OSError in the case that openpty() fails.
Handle blank lines at the top of the params file.
making smoother progress bar in write vcfs
bugfix for jointestimate
testing bugfixes to jointestimate
default to no subsampling in jointestimate call
testing bugfixes to jointestimate
added hackersonly option for additional adapters to be filtered
bug fix to joint H,E estimate for large data sets introduced in v.0.3.14 that was yielding inflated rates.
fix for core count when using API
Added plots of snp depth across loci, as well as loci counts per sample to results notebook.
phylogenetic_invariants notebook up
some notes on output formats plans
removed leftjust arg b/c unnecessary and doesn’t work well with left trimmed data
Merging for Samples at any state, with warning for higher level states. Prettier printing for API. Fix to default cores setting on API.
fix for merged Assemblies/Samples for s2
fix for merged Assemblies&Samples in s3
removed limit on number of engines used during indexing
Added ddocent to manuscript analysis.
tutorial update
in progress doc notebook
parallel waits for all engines when engines are designated, up until timeout limit
parallelized loading demux files, added threads to _ipcluster dict, removed print statement from save
vcf header was missing
added step number to progress bar when in interactive mode
added warning message when filter=2 and no barcodes are present
improved kill switch in step 1
use select to improve cluster progress bar
added a CLI option to fine-tune threading
added dstat storage by default
new default trim_overhang setting and function (0,0,0,0)
fix for overzealous warning message on demultiplexing when allowing differences
Fixed reference before assignment error in step 2.
Cosmetic change
new sim data and notebook up
Added aftrRAD to the manuscript analysis horserace
made merging reads compatible with gzipped files from step2
modify help message
made TESTS global var, made maparr bug fix to work with no map info
More carefully save state after completion of each step.
limit vsearch merging to 2 threads to improve parallel, but should eventually make match to cluster threading. Added removal of temp ungzipped files.
more detailed Sample stats_df.s2 categories for paired data
made merge command compatible with gzip outputs from step2
simplified cutadapt code calls
updates to simdata notebook
merge conflict fix
new stats categories for step2 results
added adapter seqs to hackersdict
much faster vcf building
new step2 quality checks using cutadapt
small changes to use stats from new s2 rewrite. Breaks backwards compatibility with older assemblies at step3
massive rewrite of cluster across, faster indexing, way less memory overhead
just added a pylint comment
Adding cutadapt requirement for conda build
Suppress numpy mean of empty slice warnings.
Merged PR from StuntsPT. Fix to allow param restriction_overhang with only one enzyme to drop the trailing comma (,).
Merge branch ‘StuntsPT-master’
Adding a FAQ to the docs, including some basic ipyparallel connection debugging steps.
Adding documentation for the CLI flag for attaching to already running cluster.
Update docs to include more specifics about ambiguous bases in restriction overhang seqs.
Get max of max_fragment_length for all assemblies during merge()
Make gbs a special case for handling the restriction overhang.
Changed the way single value tuples are handled.
cleaning up releasenotes
added networkx to meta.yaml build requirements
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.3.42
always prints cluster information when not using ipcluster[profile] = default
broke and then fixed samtools sorting on mac (BAM->bam)
better error message at command line
cleaned code base, deleting deprecated funcs.
revcomp function bug fix to preserve lower case pair splitter nnnn for pairgbs data
Adding requirement for numba >= 0.28 to support
Updating mac and linux vsearch to 2.0
docs updates (pull request #186) from StuntsPT/master
Added a troubleshooting note.
wrapped long running proc jobs so they can be killed easily when engines are interrupted
fix for API closing ipyclient view
fix for piping in subprocess
bug fix for missing subprocess module for zcat, and new simplified sps calls.
merge fix
allow for fuzzy match characters in barcode path
new simulated data set
uploaded cookbook for simulating data
no longer register ipcluster to die at exit, but rather call shutdown explicitly for CLI in the finally call of run()
massive code cleanup in refmapping, though mostly cosmetic. Simplified file paths and calls to subprocess.
massive restructuring to organize engine jobs in a directed acyclic graph to designate dependencies to ipyparallel. Lot’s of code cleanup for subprocess calls.
fix for progress bar cutting short in step 6. And simplified some code calling tmpdir.
Adding notebooks for ipyrad/pyrad/stacks simulated/emprical horserace.
Better handling for mindepth_statistical/majrule. Enforce statistical >= majrule.
Allow users with SE data to only enter a single value for edit_cutsites.
Properly finalize building database progress bar during step 6, even if some samples fail.
allow max_indels option for step 3 in API. Experimental.
bug fix to indel filter counter. Now applies in step7 after ignoring terminal indels, only applies to internal indels
much faster indexing using sorted arrays of matches from usort. Faster and more efficient build clusters func.
rewrote build_clusters func to be much faster and avoid memory limits. Other code cleanup. Allow max_indel_within option, though only in API currently.
numba update requirement to v.0.28
Reverting a change that broke cluster_within
Set vsearch to ignore max phred q score on merging pairs
Added bitarray dependency to conda build
Fix vsearch fastq max threshold arbitrarily high. Also remove debug crust.
Handle samples with few reads, esp the case where there are no matches during clustering.
Handle samples with few or no high depth reads. Just ignore them and inform the user.
Fix to allow pipe character in chrom names of reference sequences
Tweak to calculation of inner mate distance (round up and cast to int)
Refmap: fix calc inner mate distance PE, handle samples w/ inner mate distance > max, and handle special characters in ref seq chromosome names
Add a test to forbid spaces in project directory paths
Cosmetic docs fix
Cosmetic fix to advanced CLI docs
Added more explicit documentation about using the file to select samples during branching
Clarifying docs for qscore offset in the default params file
Cosmetic change to docs
Rolling back changes to build_clusters
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.3.36
hotfix for edgar fix break
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.3.36
hotfix for edgar fix break
hotfix for edgar fix break
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.3.36
hotfix for edgar fix break
hotfix for edgar fix break
hotfix for memory error in build_clusters, need to improve efficiency for super large numbers of hits
more speed testing on tetrad
merge conflict
cleaner print stats for tetrad
finer tuning of parallelization tetrad
Handled bug with samtools and gzip formatted reference sequence
Fixed a bug where CLI was not honoring -c flag
debugging and speed tests
added manuscript dir
Update on Overleaf.
Manuscript project created
speed improvements to tetrad
smarter/faster indexing in tetrad matrix filling and speed up from skipping over invariant sites
finer tuning of bootstrap restart from checkpoint tetrad
print bigger trees for tetrad
fix to printing checkpoint info for tetrad
bug fix for limiting n cores in tetrad
made an extended majority rule consensus method for tetrad to avoid big import packages just for this.
testing timeout parallel
test notebook update
adding consensus mj50 function
new –ipcluster arg allows using a running ipcluster instance that has profile=ipyrad
temporary explicit printing during ipcluster launch for debugging
also make longer timeout in _ipcluster dict of Assembly object
temporary explicit printing during ipcluster launch for debugging
“Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.3.33
also make longer timeout in _ipcluster dict of Assembly object
also make longer timeout in _ipcluster dict of Assembly object
increased timeout for ipcluster instance from 30 seconds to 90 seconds
Added sample populations file format example
quick api example up
merge conflict
removed chunksize=5000 option
Update README.rst
Fix optim chunk size bug in step 6 (very large datasets overflow hdf5 max chunksize 4GB limit)
Doc update: Cleaned up the lists of parameters used during each step to reflect current reality.
Fixed merge conflict in
Fix behavior in step 7 if requested samples and samples actually ready differ
Removing references to deprecated params (excludes/outgroups)
Simple error handling in the event no loci pass filtering
changed tetrad default mode to MPI
release notes update
changed name of svd4tet to tetrad
improved message gives info on node connections for MPI
added a test script for continuous integration
big cleanup to ipcluster (parallel) setup, better for API/CLI both
modified tetrad ipcluster init to work the same as ipyrad’s
generalized ipcluster setup
Changed behavior of step 7 to allow writing output for all samples that are ready. Allows the user to choose whether to continue or quit.
Fixed very stupid error that was not accurately tracking max_fragment_length.
Better error handling on malformed params file. Allows blank lines in params (prevents that gotcha).
Cosmetic changes to step 7 interaction if samples are missing from db
prettier splash
edited splash length, added newclient arg to run
testing MPI on HPC multiple nodes
updating docs parameters
Temp debug code in jointestimate for tracking a bug
Step 5 - Fixed info message for printing sample names not in proper state. Cosmetic but confusing.
Added statically linked binaries for all linux progs. Updated version for bedtools and samtools. Updated vsearch but did not change symlink (ipyrad will still use 1.10)
Bugfix that threw a divide by zero error if no samples were actually ready for step 5
Fixed a race condition where sometimes last_sample gets cleaned up before the current sample finishes, caused a KeyError. Very intermittent and annoying, but should work now
fix merge conflict
removed future changes to demultiplex, fixed 1M array size error
added notes todo
removed unnecessary imports
removed backticks from printouts
removed backticks from printouts
removed unnecessary ‘' from list of args
code cleanup for svd4tet
update to some error messages in svd4tet
slight modification to -n printout
updated analysis docs
minor docs edits
updated releasenotes
better error message if sample names in barcodes file have spaces in them
VCF now writes chr (‘chromosomes’ or ‘RAD loci’) as ints, since vcftools and other software hate strings apparently
fix for concatenating multiple fastq files in step2
fix for cluster stats output bug
added nbconvert as a run dependency for the conda build
svd4tet load func improved
fixed bug with floating point numbers on weights. More speed improvements with fancy matrix tricks.
added force support to svd4tet
update releasenotes
added stats storage to svd4tet
loci bootstrap sampling implemented in svd4tet
init_seqarray rearrangement for speed improvement to svd4tet
removed svd and dstat storage attributes from Assembly Class
added a plink map output file format for snps locations
further minimized depth storage in JSON file. Only saved here for a quick summary plot. Full info is in the catg file if needed. Reduces bloat of JSON.
huge rewrite of svd4tet with Quartet Class Object. Much more concise code
big rearrangement to svd4tet CLI commands
code cleanup
only store cluster depth histogram info for bins with data. Removes hugely unnecessary bloat to the JSON file.
fixed open closure
massive speed improvement to svd4tet funcs with numba jit compiled C code
added cores arg to svd4tet
new defaults - lower maxSNPs and higher max_shared_Hs
massive reworking with numba code for filtering. About 100X speed up.
reworking numba code in svd4tet for speed
added debugger to svd4tet
numba compiling some funcs, and view superseqs as ints instead of strings gives big speedups
fix to statcounter in demultiplex stats
improvement to demultiplexing speed
releasenotes update
minor fix to advanced tutorial
updated advanced tutorial
forgot to rm tpdir when done
testing s6
bug fix for max_fragment_len errors for paired data and gbs
fix for gbs data variable cluster sizes.
prettier printing, does not explicitly say ‘saving’, but it’s still doing it.
numba update added to conda requirements
Wrote some numba compiled funcs for speed in step6
New numba compiled svd func can speed up svd4tet
update to analysis tools docs
fix for bug in edge trimming when assembly is branched after s6 clustering, but before s7 filtering
Better error handling for alignment step, and now use only the consensus files for the samples being processed (instead of glob’ing every consens.gz in the working directory
Fix a bug that catches when you don’t pass in the -p flag for branching
cleaning up the releasenotes
removed the -i flag from the command line.
fix for branching when no filename is provided.
Fix so that step 6 cleans up as jobs finish. This fixes an error raised if a dummy job finishes too quick.
removed a redundant call to open the allhaps file
Added a check to ensure R2 files _actually exist. Error out if not. Updated internal doc for link_fastq().
tmp fix for svd4tet test function so we can put up this hotfix
working on speed improvements for svd4tet. Assembly using purging cleanup when running API.
fix for KeyError caused by cleanup finishing before singlecats in step6
update to empirical tutorial
write nexus format compatible with ape in svd4tet outputs.
closing pipe was causing a stall in step6.
merge conflict fix
set subsample to 2000 high depth clusters. Much faster, minimal decrease in accuracy. Slightly faster code in s4.
better memory handling. Parallelized better. Starts non-parallel cleanups while singlecats are running = things go faster.
cluster was commented out in s6 for speed testing
Replaced direct call to with ipyrad.bins.vsearch
Fixed reference to old style assembly method reference_sub
Added ability to optionally pass in a flat file listing subsample names in a column.
Set a conditional to make sure params file is passed in if doing -b, -r, or -s
Softened the warning about overlapping barcodes, and added a bit more explanation
Set default max barcode mismatch to 0
Fixed infinite while loop inside __name_from_file
Fixed commented call to cluster(), step 6 is working again
Added a check to ensure barcodes contain only IUPAC characters
Fixed demultiplex sorting progress bar
append to the tmp-chunks directory to prevent users from running multiple step1 and stepping on themselves
Update README.rst
Added force flag for merging CLI
Bug in rawedit for merged assemblies
much faster indel entry in step6
chunks size optimization
optimizing chunk size step6
merge for lowmem fixes to step6
decided against right anchoring method from rad muscle alignments. Improved step6 muscle align progress bar
reducing memory load in step6
debug merge fix
improvement to debug flag. Much improved memory handling for demultiplexing
versioner now actually commits the releasenotes.rst
Versioner now updates the docs/releasenotes.rst
Eased back on the language in the performance expectations note
fixed all links to output formats file
blank page for recording different performance expectations
Added -m flag to allow merging assemblies in the CLI
Fix to SNP masking in the h5 data base so that stats counts match the number of snps in the output files.
Still in development
Still in development.
Step7 stats are now building. Extra output files are not.
New better launcher for Clients in ipyparallel 5
conda installation mostly working from ipyrad channel