Advanced tutorial – CLI

This is the advanced tutorial for the command line interface to ipyrad. In this tutorial we will introduce two new methods that were not used in the introductory tutorial, but which provide some exciting new functionality. The first is branching, which is used to efficiently assemble multiple data sets under a range of parameter settings, and the second is reference mapping, which is a way to leverage information from reference genomic data (e.g., full genome, transcriptome, plastome, etc) during assembly.

Branching Assemblies

If you’ve already been through the introductory tutorial you’ll remember that a typical ipyrad analysis runs through seven sequential steps to take data from its raw state to finished output files of aligned data. After finishing one assembly, it is common that we might want to create a second assembly of our data under a different set of parameters; say by changing the clust_threshold from 0.85 to 0.90, or changing min_samples_locus from 4 to 20.

It would be wholy inefficient to restart from the beginning for each assembly that uses different parameter settings. A better way would be to re-use existing data files and only rerun steps downstream from where parameter changes have an effect. This approach is a little tricky, since the user would need to know which files to rename/move to avoid existing results files and parameter information from being overwritten and lost.

The motivation behind the branching assembly process in ipyrad is to simplify this process. ipyrad does all of this renaming business for you, and creates new named files in a way the retains records of the existing assemblies and effectively re-uses existing data files.

At its core, branching creates a copy of an Assembly object (the object that is saved as a .json file by ipyrad) such that the new Assembly inherits all of the information from it’s parent Assembly, including filenames, samplenames, and assembly statistics. The branching process requires a new assembly_name, which is important so that all new files created along this branch will be saved with a unique filename prefix. We’ll show an example of a branching process below, but first we need to describe reference mapping, since for our example we will be creating two branches which are assembled using different assembly methods.

Reference Sequence Mapping

ipyrad offers four assembly methods, three of which can utilize a reference sequence file. The first method, called reference, maps RAD sequences to a reference file to determine homology and discards all sequences which do not match to it. The second method, denovo+reference, uses the reference first to identify homology, but then the remaining unmatched sequences are all dumped into the standard denovo ipyrad pipeline to be clustered. In essence, the reference file is simply used to assist the denovo assembly, and to add additional information. The final method, denovo-reference, removes any reads which match to the reference and retains only non-matching sequences to be used in a denovo analysis. In other words, it allows the use of a reference sequence file as a filter to remove reads which match to it. You can imagine how this would be useful for removing contaminants, plastome data, symbiont-host data, or coding/non-coding regions.

Getting started

Let’s first download the example simulated data sets for ipyrad. Copy and paste the code below into a terminal. This will create a new directory called ipsimdata/ in your current directory containing all of the necessary files.

## The curl command needs a capital O, not a zero.
>>> curl -LkO
>>> tar -xvzf ipsimdata.tar.gz

If you look in the ipsimdata/ directory you’ll see there are a number of example data sets. For this tutorial we’ll be using the rad_example data. Let’s start by creating a new Assembly, and then we’ll edit the params file to tell it how to find the input data files for this data set.

## creates a new Assembly named data1
>>> ipyrad -n data1
New file params-data1.txt created in /home/deren/Documents/ipyrad

As you can see, this created a new params file for our Assembly. We need to edit this file since it contains only default values. Use any text editor to open the params file params-data1.txt and enter the values below for parameters 1, 2, and 3. All other parameters can be left at their default values for now. This tells ipyrad that we are going to use the name iptutorial as our project_dir (where output files will be created), and that the input data and barcodes file are located in ipsimdata/:

## enter these lines into the params-data1.txt file
./iptutorial                             ## [1] [project_dir] ...
./ipsimdata/rad_example_R1_.fastq.gz     ## [2] [raw_fastq_path] ...
./ipsimdata/rad_example_barcodes.txt     ## [3] [barcodes_path] ...

Now we’re ready to start the assembly. Let’s begin by running just steps 1 and 2 to demultiplex and filter the sequence data. This will create a bunch of new files in the iptutorial/ directory.

>>> ipyrad -p params-data1.txt -s 12
 ipyrad [v.0.9.14]
 Interactive assembly and analysis of RAD-seq data
 Parallel connection | latituba: 8 cores

 Step 1: Demultiplexing fastq data to Samples
 [####################] 100% 0:00:03 | sorting reads
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | writing/compressing

 Step 2: Filtering and trimming reads
 [####################] 100% 0:00:02 | processing reads

 Parallel connection closed.

Inside iptutorial you’ll see that ipyrad has created two subdirectories with names prefixed by the assembly_name data1. The other saved file is a .json file, which you can look at with a text editor if you wish. It’s used by ipyrad to store information about your Assembly. In general, you should not mess with the .json file, since editing it by hand could cause errors in your assembly.

>>> ls ./iptutorial
data1_edits/   data1_fastqs/   data1.json

Branching example

For this example we will branch our Assembly before running step3 so that we can see the results when the data are asembled with different assembly_methods. Our existing assembly data1 is using the denovo method. Let’s create a branch called data2 which will use reference assembly. First we need to run the branch command, then we’ll edit the new params file to change the assembly_method and add the reference sequence file.

## create a new branch of the Assembly 'data1'
>>> ipyrad -p params-data1.txt -b data2
loading Assembly: data1
from saved path: ~/Documents/ipyrad/tests/iptutorial/data1.json
Creating a new branch called 'data2' with 12 Samples
Writing new params file to params-data2.txt

Then make the following edits to params-data2.txt:

reference                                   ## [5] [assembly_method] ...
./ipsimdata/rad_example_genome.fa           ## [6] [reference_sequence] ...

Now we can run steps 3-7 on these two assemblies each using their own params file and each will create its own output files and saved results.

## assemble the first data set denovo
>>> ipyrad -p params-data1.txt -s 34567

## assemble the second data set using reference mapping
>>> ipyrad -p params-data2.txt -s 34567
 ipyrad [v.0.9.14]
 Interactive assembly and analysis of RAD-seq data
 Parallel connection | latituba: 8 cores

 Step 3: Clustering/Mapping reads within samples
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | join merged pairs
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | join unmerged pairs
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | dereplicating
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | clustering/mapping
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | building clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | chunking clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:16 | aligning clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | concat clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | calc cluster stats

 Step 4: Joint estimation of error rate and heterozygosity
 [####################] 100% 0:00:02 | inferring [H, E]

 Step 5: Consensus base/allele calling
 Mean error  [0.00075 sd=0.00002]
 Mean hetero [0.00196 sd=0.00005]
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | calculating depths
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | chunking clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:21 | consens calling
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | indexing alleles

 Step 6: Clustering/Mapping across samples
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | concatenating inputs
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | clustering across
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | building clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:08 | aligning clusters

 Step 7: Filtering and formatting output files
 [####################] 100% 0:00:06 | applying filters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | building arrays
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | writing conversions

 Parallel connection closed.
 ipyrad [v.0.9.14]
 Interactive assembly and analysis of RAD-seq data
 Parallel connection | latituba: 8 cores

 Step 3: Clustering/Mapping reads within samples
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | indexing reference
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | join merged pairs
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | join unmerged pairs
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | dereplicating
 [####################] 100% 0:00:02 | clustering/mapping
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | building clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | chunking clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:16 | aligning clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | concat clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | calc cluster stats

 Step 4: Joint estimation of error rate and heterozygosity
 [####################] 100% 0:00:02 | inferring [H, E]

 Step 5: Consensus base/allele calling
 Mean error  [0.00075 sd=0.00002]
 Mean hetero [0.00196 sd=0.00005]
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | calculating depths
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | chunking clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:22 | consens calling
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | indexing alleles

 Step 6: Clustering/Mapping across samples
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | concatenating inputs
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | clustering across
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | building clusters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:08 | aligning clusters

 Step 7: Filtering and formatting output files
 [####################] 100% 0:00:06 | applying filters
 [####################] 100% 0:00:01 | building arrays
 [####################] 100% 0:00:00 | writing conversions

 Parallel connection closed.

Now let’s suppose we’re interested in the effect of missing data on our assemblies and we want to assemble each data set with a different min_samples_locus setting. Maybe at 4, 8, and 12 (ignore the fact that the example data set has no missing data, and so this has no practical effect; See the empirical example tutorial for a better example). It’s worth noting that we can branch assemblies after an analysis has finished as well. The only difference is that the new assembly will think that it has already finished all of the steps, and so if we ask it to run them again it will instead want to skip over them. You can override this behavior by passing the -f flag, or --force, which tells ipyrad that you want it to run the step even though it’s already finished it. The two assemblies we finished were both assembled at the default value of 4 for min_samples_locus, so below I set up code to branch and then run step7 on data1 with a new setting of 8 or 12.

## branch data1 to make min8 and min12 data sets
>>> ipyrad -p params-data1.txt -b data1-min8
>>> ipyrad -p params-data1.txt -b data1-min12

Once again, use a text editor to set “min_samples_locus” to the new value (8 or 12) for these assemblies. Then, we will run step7 to get the final data sets.

## run step7 on using the new min_samples_locus settings
>>> ipyrad -p params-data1-min8.txt -s 7
>>> ipyrad -p params-data1-min12.txt -s 7

Now if we look in our project_dir iptutorial/ we see that the fastq/ and edits/ directories were created using just the first assembly data1, while the clust/ and consens/ directories were created for both data1 and data2, since both completed steps 3-6. Finally, you can see that each assembly has its own outfiles/ directory with the results of step7.

## use ls -l to view inside the project directory as a list
>>> ls -l iptutorial/

I show the file tree structure a bit more clearly below:

├── data1_clust_0.85
├── data1_consens
├── data1_edits
├── data1_fastqs
├── data1.json
├── data1-min12.json
├── data1-min12_outfiles
├── data1-min8.json
├── data1-min8_outfiles
├── data1_outfiles
├── data2_clust_0.85
├── data2_consens
├── data2.json
├── data2_outfiles
└── data2_refmapping

In your working directory you will have a params files with the full set of parameters used in each of your assemblies. This makes for a good reproducible workflow, and can be referenced later as a reminder of the parameters used for each data set.

Branching and selecting a subset of samples by sample name

It’s also possible to create a branch with only a subset of samples from the original assembly. You can do this by specifying a list of samples to include following the new assembly name after the -b flag. For example the command below will create a new branch called subdata including only the 4 samples listed.

## Branch subset of Samples to a new Assembly by passing in
## sample names to include.
>>> ipyrad -p params-data1.txt -b subdata 1A_0 1B_0 1C_0 1D_0
loading Assembly: data1
from saved path: ~/Documents/ipyrad/tests/iptutorial/data1.json
Creating a new branch called 'subdata' with 4 Samples
Writing new params file to params-subdata.txt

Branching with a subset of samples specified in a file

If you want to select more than a handful of samples it might be easier to instead provide a text file with sample names listed one per line. So we made it so you can do that. The format of the file for listing sample names is literally just a text file with one sample name per line. Here is an example sample names file samples_to_keep.txt:


And the command to do the branching:

## Branch subset of Samples by passing in a file with sample names
>>> ipyrad -p params-data1.txt -b subdata samples_to_keep.txt
loading Assembly: data1
from saved path: ~/Documents/ipyrad/tests/iptutorial/data1.json
Creating a new branch called 'subdata' with 3 Samples
Writing new params file to params-subdata.txt

What’s next

Check out the example empirical data sets to see how this process looks when you run it on a relatively quick set of real data.