Guidelines for RADSeq Assemblies

What parameters have the biggest effect on accuracy of genotypes? What parameter testing should be done with a new taxon or dataset?

Step 1: trim_reads - This isn’t a parameter per se but it is a parameter that can be used in conjunction with fastqc in order to remove regions with excessive error from the raw data. Distal ends of reads (especially paired-end data) can start to accummulate lots of low quality bases. This will increase the error rate of basecalling, decrease the performance, and increase the false positive rate. It’s always good to look at your data with fastqc before you start an assembly.

Step 3: clust_threshold - This is probably the single most important parameter in the whole process, controlling the sequence similarity threshold above which two reads/loci are considered to be from the same genomic position. Values that are too low will cause over-lumping (non-homologous regions clustering) which will inflate heterozygosity and error rate. Values that are too high will cause over-splitting (homologous regions failing to cluster) which will depress heterozygosity and error rate. The optimization procedure of Mastretta-Yanes et al 2015 is straightforward to adapt from stacks to ipyrad and I’ve seen people use this to good effect. One can also evaluate the effect of this parameter on the hetero_est and error_est from the step 4 stats file. Error rate should be on the order of 0.001 and heterozygosity should be on the order of 0.01. Excessively high or low values indicate clust_threshold misspecification.

What are the relevant differences between the RADseq pipelines for someone choosing to do their first RADseq analysis?

Key strengths of ipyrad:

  • Simple, easy to use CLI interface
  • Numerous statistics and reporting on assembly quality at each step of the process
  • Powerful API mode for jupyter notebook assemblies and reproducibility
  • Massively Parallel (w/ MPI across HPC compute nodes)
  • Built-in analysis tools for running and plotting downstream popgen and phylogenetic analyses (PCA, STRUCTURE, RAxML, etc)
  • Documentation: and extensive tutorials:
  • Support:

How can choices made during genotyping or filtering affect downstream analyses and summary statistics (e.g., Fst, demographic analyses, phylogenetics)?

Misspecified clust_threshold: This will have obvious consequences for over/under-estimating popgen sumstats (Fst, pi, etc). Similarly with demographic analysis, if heterozygosity is inflated/deflated because of misspecified clust_threshold then estimates of Ne, divergence time, and migration rates will all be skewed.

Missing data and min_samples_locus: This gets tricky because you can wind up in hot water one way or the other depending on how permissive/conservative the setting of this parameter is. If min_samples_locus is very high, then it will remove many/most loci with missing data. This will do two things: 1) it will bias against low-frequency variants (see Huang & Knowles 2016) and 2) it will also bias toward more conserved regions which will have consequences downstream. If min_samples_locus is low (recommended) then the data matrix will contain some amount of missing data which is okay, but which will need to be properly handled downstream (see below).

Some guidelines to follow when filtering your data.

The greatest crime to commit against RADSeq data is to over-filter on missingness. Do not do this! The min_samples_locus parameter is the most often abused parameter of all. Do not treat RADSeq data as if it’s a massive multi-locus dataset. Do not expect a complete data matrix. Embrace the uncertainty and propagate it downstream.

When filtering data think in terms of orders of magnitude. Look at this example from real data, where is the vast majority of filtering happening:

                            total_filters  applied_order  retained_loci
total_prefiltered_loci              87851              0          87851
filtered_by_rm_duplicates            2045           2045          85806
filtered_by_max_indels               1170           1170          84636
filtered_by_max_snps                  888            135          84501
filtered_by_max_shared_het           2775           2427          82074
filtered_by_min_sample              39613          38851          43223
filtered_by_max_alleles             10210           3793          39430
total_filtered_loci                 39430              0          39430

The right way to handle RADSeq data is to set a very permissive min_samples_locus and then deal with the missingness downstream. A good example of how to deal with missing data in a principled way is illustrated in the ipyrad analysis PCA tutorial: Similar procedures can be applied to other analysis methods.

What are some trade-offs between reference-based and de novo assembly, for example when the reference is of poor quality?

Reference assembly: * Faster * Provides genomic coordinates which can be useful (annotations) * Perhaps more effective paralog filtering (?) * Advanced end-users only (requires special care and attention to details)

de novo assembly: * Much more reliably produces “reasonable” looking assemblies

Other useful ideas

  • As long as clust_threshold is in the ballpark it is okay.
  • Allele dropout and MAF filtering don’t matter that much.

Step 1: max_barcode_mismatch - In practice you shouldn’t need to allow any barcode mismatches during step 1 demultiplexing, the amount of reads recovered by allowing 1 or more mismatches tends to be a fraction of a percent, so not worth the effort. This parameter is only really useful for triaging very low quality data where each read recovered really counts.

Step 2: filter_adapters - This should always be enabled. There’s very little performance penalty for filtering adapters, and the downstream consequences of not filtering can be severe.

Step 3: reference_as_filter - ipyrad allows to provide a reference sequence to remove mapped sequences prior to step 3 clustering. This can be extremely useful for removing contaminants (e.g. microbial contaminants or mtDNA/cpDNA bycatch).

Step 7: When combining multiple plates or data from multiple lanes/runs/experiments it’s very important to evaluate the results for batch effects. For example, if one combines samples from libraries that use two different restriction enzymes or two different size selection windows then the samples will share much more data within libraries than among libraries, regardless of the true relatedness of the samples. ipyrad implements a sharing analysis tool to evaluate the extent of locus sharing across samples. An example notebook is here:

Step 7: pop_assign_file - This parameter can be used to specify a file which maps samples to a priori designated populations which can then be used for setting min_samples values per population. This can be useful if, for example, you have suspected populations or sampling sites and you want to retain a minimum number of samples per pop/site for downstream analysis.